In this post we will build a simple quiz app that you can run on the console or on your phone or tablet (I tested it with Pydroid 3 app). The questions come from files and so you can create your own question bank.
We will of course randomize the questions to make it unpredictable. A quiz application is the best way to test your knowledge in a subject.
A class introduction
A class in object-oriented programming is a template for creating objects. The template consists of properties and member functions based on the tasks that a class is designed to perform.
The properties are the variables declared in the class and the members are the functions designed to operate on the variables. The properties and functions are accessible to the program only through the an object, also called instance, of that class.
The parameter self associates the properties and members of a class to its object (or instance) when it is created. They are called instance variables and functions.
Question class
We will write a class Question, which will encapsulate a question with its options and the right answer. The init(self) function is a class constructor. It initialises variables to defaults - question and answer to a string and options to an empty list.
class Question:
def __init__(self):
self.question = ''
self.options = []
self.answer = ''
def set_question(self, q):
self.question = q
def set_options(self, opts):
self.options = opts
def set_answer(self, ans):
self.answer = ans
def get_question(self):
return self.question
def get_options(self):
return self.options
def get_answer(self):
return self.answer
def __repr__(self):
opts = ''
for index, opt in enumerate(self.options):
opts += str(index + 1) + " " + opt + "\n"
return f'\nQuestion. {self.question}\n{opts}'
It has setter and getter methods to modify and access the variables. There is a repr dunder method that returns a string representation of the object. We have used it to display the question and its options to the user.
We will write another class QuestionBank to store the Question objects in a list.
class QuestionBank:
def __init__(self): = []
def add_question(self, question):
def get_bank(self):
It has just two methods, one for adding the Question objects and the other to retrieve the list of Question objects.
The Quiz class encapsulates two tasks:
- displaying the question and
- checking if the user selection is correct
class Quiz:
def __init__(self):
self.question = None
self.correct = False
def set_question(self, q):
self.question = q
def display_question(self):
def check_answer(self, input):
opts = self.question.get_options()
ans = opts[int(input) - 1]
if ans == self.question.get_answer():
self.correct = True
def get_correct(self):
return self.correct
The Program
In the main() method, we list the files containing the questions and shuffle them before building the question bank.
The play() method actually runs the show and keeps the score for the player. The score is displayed at the end of the quiz.
import os
import random
# class declarations
class Question:
def __init__(self):
self.question = ''
self.options = []
self.answer = ''
def set_question(self, q):
self.question = q
def set_options(self, opts):
self.options = opts
def set_answer(self, ans):
self.answer = ans
def get_question(self):
return self.question
def get_options(self):
return self.options
def get_answer(self):
return self.answer
def __repr__(self):
opts = ''
for index, opt in enumerate(self.options):
opts += str(index + 1) + " " + opt + "\n"
return f'\nQuestion. {self.question}\n{opts}'
class QuestionBank:
def __init__(self): = []
def add_question(self, question):
def get_bank(self):
class Quiz:
def __init__(self):
self.question = None
self.correct = False
def set_question(self, q):
self.question = q
def display_question(self):
def check_answer(self, input):
opts = self.question.get_options()
ans = opts[int(input) - 1]
if ans == self.question.get_answer():
self.correct = True
def get_correct(self):
return self.correct
# build question bank
def build_question_bank(file_list):
bank = QuestionBank()
for file in file_list:
f = open(os.getcwd()+'/files/'+file, 'r', encoding='utf8')
line = f.readline()
if line == '':
q_tokens = line.rstrip().split('|')
_question = q_tokens[0]
_options = [x for x in q_tokens[1].split(",")]
_answer = q_tokens[2]
question = Question()
return bank
def play(bank):
questions = bank.get_bank()
score = 0
for q in questions:
quiz = Quiz()
ans = input("Type your answer: ")
score += 1 if quiz.get_correct() == True else 0
return score
def main():
# get file list
file_list = os.listdir('./files')
bank = build_question_bank(file_list)
score = play(bank)
print(f'\nYou scored {score} out of {len(bank.get_bank())}\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Take user name from input and display score against it.
- Show which questions are answered correctly.
- Add more topics and questions
Enjoy coding and questioning!